• A visual representation of #COVID19 where each mourning mannequin/coffin pair resembles a death due to the virus.
  •  A delay has been added between spawns, so it won't draw the entire count at the beginning , but over time it will. If you're experiencing a performance drop close the browser tab ASAP ðŸ˜Š 
  • Uses the REST API provided at  https://corona.lmao.ninja/all   to retrieve latest global death count due to #COVID19 

Would appreciate any feedback on this mini-application I created overnight on 03/19/2020

Disclaimer : Yes, it draws number of objects as exact as the death count, on your screen. There could be a performance hit, so try out at your own risk!

Development log


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What the hell

haha! It's a visualization based on actual updated statistics. Not a game.